Meet the PERSON Behind THE SITE

Er Lern Loh

Greetings! This is my personal website. I have been maintaining a blog ever since the late 1990’s when I was in college. The Internet has certainly changed a lot since the days of dial-up modems. Blogs are therapeutic and the discipline of blogging has helped my thinking over the years. In the 2000’s I had a blog that had a wider reach, but with it came also challenges (of maintaining the private and the confidential) and problems (legal ones). With the widespread acceptance of blogging and vlogging, we are at the unique time in history where it is normal to maintain an online presence, whether it is for leisure, personal or professional. Off and on, I have been blogging whenever I have the time or inspiration (not easy to get it)… but I am also aware that I need to put things down in order to preserve them for the next generation. I am blessed with a wife and two sons. It is with them in mind that I am “reviving” this site, and expanding it.

I have had thoughts of putting down my resume and credentials here. I will. But for now, this is a repository of my thoughts, ideas and projects. There was a time in my life where I thought to remove these things from the Internet – for the sake of minimising problems (comes naturally with an online presence). However, after much consideration, I realised that it is more important to impart knowledge, experience and hopes to others – not for my own sake, but also others. To love your neighbours as you love yourself is an important delight to have in the heart.

I do hope you will find something that will benefit you in this site. Perhaps an idea that may stir you to consider your own idea. Or just a reassurance that we are all in this world for such a temporary time. God bless.

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